Calligraphy Artist - Miki Nakashima


“Across the Globe Go Fun-Fun Brush Strokes”

Calligraphy Artist - Miki Nakashima

Miki Nakashima is a calligraphy genius that Japan created. As a calligraphy master/artist, Miki has been showing her world-renowned talent in calligraphy art across the globe. People love seeing the perfect coexistence of her deep understanding/perfect execution of the traditional skills and her super creative ideas. Miki’s art is lively, playful and free, just the same way as she is as a person. She first takes a few seconds to “speak” to the air, followed by one deep breath. The next moment, the brush starts traveling with lightning speed, so much so that no one knows what’s going on. Miki once told that when she’s performing, the “fun-fun” soul often times takes over her body and leads the brush’s way. So sometimes, even Miki does not know how the art will look like. Let’s see where the “fun-fun” soul will take us this time!